
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
althttpdA small, simple, stand-alone HTTP server, running this website N/A2021-11-21 19:53
bibleversePrint verse(s) from the Bible Jan P. Pasierb <>2022-02-24 21:15
dmenuAn efficient dynamic menu for X suckless <>2020-09-02 16:30
dwmExtremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager for X suckless <>2020-07-02 19:18
dwmstatusA simple dwm status application in C suckless <>2018-07-17 13:50
jimSimple, lightweight, modal, vim-inspired text editor Jan P. Pasierb <>2023-12-23 17:06
qrshotDecode QR code on screen, or encode a string then echo QR code on terminal, on Linux Gary Will <>2018-05-31 09:42
slockSimple screen locker utility for X suckless <>2017-03-25 20:16
stSimple terminal emulator for X suckless <>2022-01-12 08:44
stagita static git page generator Codemadness <>2021-11-23 13:40
surfSimple Web browser based on WebKit/GTK+ suckless <>2021-05-08 14:53