bibleverse.1 (679B)
1 .\" Manpage for bibleverse 2 .TH man 1 "18 November 2021" "1.0" "bibleverse man page" 3 .SH NAME 4 bibleverse \- Display bible verse(s) 5 .SH SYNOPSIS 6 .B bibleverse 7 <book> <chapter>[:verse[-verse]] 8 .SH DESCRIPTION 9 Display bible verse(s) (King James Version) for either: the whole chapter, a single verse from a chapter or range of verses from a chapter 10 .SH OPTIONS 11 .B book 12 \- Full book name. If the book name is partial, a list of available books matching the input will be printed 13 14 .B chapter 15 \- Chapter number of the chosen book 16 17 .B verse 18 \- Verse of the chosen chapter or a range of verses in the format "verse_min-verse_max" 19 .SH BUGS 20 This software contains no bugs 21 .SH AUTHOR 22 JP